Create a simple shared AR experience

This lesson describes how to use ConjureKit and Manna modules to create a shared AR experience from scratch in Unity.

Est. Duration:
1 hour

Lesson description

Augmenting reality is sure fun, but it's generally meaningless if everyone is interacting with their own augmented reality instead of a single shared one. In this tutorial, we'll cover how to add virtual cubes to a shared AR session ensuring they appear in the same location for everyone using ConjureKit and Manna modules.

Before you begin

Before getting started, complete the following steps:

  1. Set up your development environment by following the steps in the Quickstart.

Unity & package versions

ConjureKit: v0.6.14
Manna: v0.6.25

Est. Duration:
1 hour

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Check out more lessons, DIY kits and essentials reading material at the developer learning centre homepage.

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